Asset Health and Condition Monitoring

Power Network Consulting provides a comprehensive range of services to support the the assessment and management of high voltage plant including asset health and condition monitoring. This includes the following services.

Failure Investigations

One of the important ways in which asset population performance can be assessed and improved is by thorough investigation and root cause analysis of plant failures. We provide independent, practical support or full investigation services to determine the causes of failure, mitigating circumstances, key learnings and corrective actions to prevent recurrence.

Plant and Fleet Audits

We provide services to review and audit plant and installations for the purposes of database verification, pre-sale and other purposes.

Information System Support

We provide vendor-independent support to assist with implementation, auditing or optimisation of asset related asset management information systems.

Life Assessments

Sustainment of assets to reach the optimal economic life often requires intervention in the form of refurbishment, maintenance, replacement and other actions during the asset life-cycle. We provide services to assess life including remaining life of the asset to assist the organisation to optimise decision-making.

Performance Assessment

Performance assessment of complex high voltage assets requires a range of diagnostic and operational data. We provide services to assess performance using available data services to support optimal asset decision-making.

Asset Heath Assessment and Condition Monitoring

Provide assistance to implement robust and comprehensive asset health index systems and condition monitoring systems for high voltage plant. Providing vendor independent and practical advice to support your business.

Due Diligence Assessments

We provide support to organisations seeking to carry out due diligence assessment of transmission and distribution plant and equipment. We are able to provide independent, practical assessments and reports.


We provide interpretation and support services to carry out and understand diagnostic data and other information from a range of sources.